DEOVACANCES at Emana School Complex
DEOVACANCES At Emana School Complex Summer 2021
In order to help young graduate teachers in search of employment, AFRIQUE FUTURE hires some of them as supervisors. Their role is to enforce discipline and to supervise the pupils in the corridors and in the courtyard. They also animate Wednesday afternoons which are dedicated to non-academic activities designed to encourage the development of the children (choir, dance, culture, science, newspaper club).
In June 2021, at the end of the school year, the supervisors of the Emana Complex submitted a project that was immediately adopted: it was to offer pupils, during the summer holidays, access to various activities that were both fun and educational.
The young graduates Aliba Basebe, Claire Zang, Jeanne Viviane, Stéphanie Wachou and Gautier Evene N. allowed the children to discover and deepen the joyful practice of writing, singing, musical instruments (flute and guitar), drawing and painting. The pupils also greatly appreciated the course on life-saving techniques, the football matches and the excursion to the centre of Yaoundé.

Many thanks to these kind and valuable volunteers! With their help, the young students of Déo Gratias were able to share such happy moments! Let’s hope that for the second edition other adults will join the project!
An additional thank you to Stéphanie Wachou and Gautier Evene N. who produced a wonderful document about this beautiful experience! We invite you to discover it now. (The English version of the brochure is under construction. Please visit us again soon).