Afrique Future bridges

Afrique Future bridges

AFRIQUE FUTURE’s adventure  began with the construction of 4 bridges, underpasses (equipped with nozzles for the drainage system) and tracks around Ngodi-Si, a village in the deepest forest, in Cameroon’s Centre (Dibang District). Previously totally isolated by the numerous rivers which flow through the dense forest and bush, several villages were suddenly opened up, allowing human and economic exchanges. Today, more than 100 bridges have brought life to many remote places.

January 1989 : the 1st bridge at Ngodi-Lom

it crosses the river Manlipahé and saves Ngodi-Lom from its island-like situation in the rainy season

February 1989 : the 2nd bridge at Ngodi-Si

its construction has linked the two parts of the village cut in two by the river Dimahé

February 1990 : ‘Pont de l’Unité’ between Ngodi-Si and Ngodi-Lom

2013 : 2 new bridges in Nkongada